Wednesday, March 27, 2013

3/27/2013 Practice

I rode Fiona.  She started out pissy and she has her coughing.  I rode her on a looser rein to start off and I worked on my seat more.  I also worked on my test. Other than that I took it easy with Fiona.  She was also used earlier in a lesson.

3/27/13 Lesson

I rode Asti in my lesson today. I did a 1/2 hr private as i have advisory meetings that I cannot be late for.  He was super cute as always.  I started off flexing him at the walk to warm him up with direction changes and variation of circles w/ variation of size.  I then did the same in the trot as well as figure 8's.  Once the lesson began we worked on leg yielding him out going right so his left rein could be filled in more.  We achieved this by flexing to the right and leg yielding left on the circle.  We went though my test a couple of times and it went well.  Got what we needed to accomplish in a 1/2 hr lesson so that was good!

Friday, March 22, 2013

3/22/13 Practice Ride

I rode Fievel tonight.  I missed him so!  Although is was a nice reunion, he was interesting.  He had his shots the other day, so I think that may have been part of it as well as not being ridden in over a week.  Since he was out of work and stiff from shoots we took it easy. when cantering we stayed on a 20 meter and with trotting we just did the same thing and did direction changes and some serpentines   Not very eventful, but he was pissy as it was, so better no to piss him off more.

3/22/2013 Lesson

Boy, it felt good to be back in the saddle after a 2 week hiatus.  I rode Quincy in my lesson today.  He was a very good boy, especially for being only 4 yrs old!  We started out adjusting to his walk as he was trained western and has this really weird, slow, lopey kinda walk.  For that i worked on legs off completely and a very passive seat.  If he gets quicker into a "jog" walk he needed a strong hold on outside rein.  We then did trot work and then canter.  His canter button is interesting. He is nice to canter and he has to be round or he will pick his head up and might break.  He is more pissy with left leg, but it is still nice. We practiced a few halts and then worked on training 1 and intro b.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

3/6/2013 Lesson

I rode Majik for my lesson.  We started out doing an exercise by riding a square and doing quick, sharp turns and using outside seat bone, and strong half halt.  We first did this at the trot, then the canter to do almost a quarter pirouette.  We probably got one or two out of the many attempted as he gets pushy and lazy.  To remedy that lazy mood I  would transition to a halt and rein back to help him sit more on his hind.  From that we did extended canters and then practiced the tests for IDA.  he was very good!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

3/5/2013 Practice with the "Majik Man"

I ride Majik for my practicee.  He was very good!  We worked on haunches- in, some leg yielding, simple changes and my tests (training 1 and intro c).  We also worked a lot on halts.  I worked on tilting my pelvis forward and bringing my ankles underneath.  At first, he would back up ( I was pulling back on the reins a little bit).  After I stopped pulling back, the halts got better. With myself I really worked on staying loose and really tried to bend my inside leg around him.

Monday, March 4, 2013

3/4/2013 Lesson (make-up for next week)

Today I rode Fiona.  We struggled in the beginning as I forget to trust my seat and get nervous from our old battles!  When I get nervous, I tend to get busy with my leg, which Fiona doesn't like- at all.  Once we worked past a struggle, I was more able to use my seat and she was more willing.  We ended much better afterwards.   Next time I ride her, I want to be able to start right off with the good use of my seat.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

This Week!!

So I am leaving on a trip Friday  morning (March 8th) and not returning until Friday night (March 15th-super late)!  I am obviously missing out for a week in riding, but I am making up my lesson tomorrow at 2 ( that would count as next week when I am gone) and doing my regular lesson on Wednesday at 10.  For a practice I am going out Tuesday night.  This is just a reminder!!!  Happy Spring Break Everyone!

Friday, March 1, 2013

3/1/2013 Practice

I rode Fiona for a practice earlier tonight.  We practiced T1 and we worked on halts and we did a little leg-yielding.  It went well when she didn't protest to stop every time she needed to poop.  It was fun!