Saturday, April 27, 2013

4/27/13 Practice

I rode Joey for a practice.  I was doing night check anyway and it was sort of a make-up from yesterday with Fiona having a meltdown, which I never though would ever happen, to her coughing.  So I tried to work with stronger connection.  I also tried to drop my thighs down so I don't wiggle in my stirrups too much.  At some points he would get a little racy so I had to remind myself to slow my posts, but then he would back off too much if we went on a 20 meter, so I had to go to my seat to push him on.  He was very good!  Nice, warm day to ride!

Friday, April 26, 2013

4/26/13 Practice

I rode Fiona for my practice.  I was a beautiful night to ride, so Bryn said I could ride in the upper ring.  I ended up back in the indoor when she got spooky and then she was coughing a lot.  So i rode her on a looser rein.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

4/21/13 Practice

I rode Jax for my practice today.  He was so much different from the last time I rode him.  He was a good boy!  We worked on getting him to not just be round, but flex too.  We a little bit of leg yielding and some shoulder- in.  He practiced halts and transitions from trot to canter and worked from my seat.  The seat button is harder on him than others, but we still got it.  He was fun!

Friday, April 19, 2013

4/19/13 Practice

I rode Joey tonight.   He was a good boy, although he had a lot of energy!  We worked on transitions at first and then I did some leg-yielding to warm him up. He was better in the canter after as he was less stiff.  His canter right was much better and he was more through instead of barely tracking up.  He was a good boy!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

4/17/13 Lesson

I rode Asti in my lesson.  He was a little pokey, but he was good.   I worked on getting him to stretch tracking right and working with elastic connection.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

4/10/13 Practice

I rode Fievel for my practice.  He was such a good boy!!!!!  We worked on Training 1 (the halts were like a plane taking off and landing), and we worked on stretchy circles.  His canter transitions were really nice and clear and when we had walk breaks we worked on free and medium walks.

4/10/13 Lesson

I rode Fiona in my lesson.  She was coughing still, so we worked on my staying loose and Bryn told me just to let the reins go.  I worked on keeping my upper body super, super loose and worked on canter transitions from the seat which were picked up nicely.  There was no sense of direction on Fiona's end so we were all over the arena and I even got some balance practice when she went straight for a wall, then abruptly darted right.  It was entertaining I think!

Friday, April 5, 2013

4/5/2013 Practice Ride

I rode Quincy for a practice today.  He was so good and super cute!  We practiced halts and I went over my test a few times.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

4/3/2013 Lesson

I rode Fiona in my lesson today...I looked like a special bird. At first we trotted and cantered at the buckle to work out her coughing.  Once we did that I warmed her up with more contact.  Bryn then was working on Fi's left bend (when I looked special) and I worked on turning my whole torso inside a circle with half halt  and left flex to help her bend while using my seat to keep her going.  I then practiced my test and my medium walk needs to be a consistent both times.  So all in all, I looked special.  Thank god I had a helmet on.